In a stunning decision the commander and chief elevates the status of a beer that is only designed to cool down broken radiators on Chevy's in Alabama. Although i think it is the Best of the Worst, the worst being American Beers who use rice instead of wheat to Brew. Apparently this is due to the fact Americans prefer light beers and to get drunk AF(ast)AP, rather than heavy beers which knock you down. Apparently the vast majority of beer drinkers prefer the non-beery taste of Bud, Coors, and Natty, Strange indeed. D has officially lost all his confidence in the Commander-in-Chief. Obama picks Bud Light for 'beer summit' Source: 3 hours ago · Comment · Like · Share Ricky Really? D its obviously a political Decision. Nothing is more American than low quality beer, Imagine the outrage if he chose HoeGardeen, or their bud equivalent BudenWisesen. 2 hours ago · Delete D True, I'...